mollikia @mollikia
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mollikia @mollikia
I'm currently working through Naruto Shippuden at the moment, but I'll watch almost anything. You?

jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
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jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
i gotta say sasuke, or deidara. His art is cool, he shouldn't have been killed off so easily.

zadiana @zadiana
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zadiana @zadiana
i like anime with gangs, high school,fights stuff like that i don't like mecha anime

jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
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jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
I'm a huge naruto, bleach, fan. I 'm tryin out some new animes such as Rin. And some yuri lol. I like yuri and I'm proud

B) @gloriouslily
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B) @gloriouslily
Oh thanks~
All it takes is a lot of practice

B) @gloriouslily
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B) @gloriouslily
Yeah I'm on deviantart under the same name, if you wanted to see my stuff

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
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Rika Yamada @rikayamada
cool ^_^ i have a lot of them on my deviant art account check them out XD

aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
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aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
black butler is my fav anime iv got every ep and 1 ova with alois trancy in it witch is also who i cosplay ^^

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
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Rika Yamada @rikayamada
haha yeah being odd is more fun the being "normal" any day xD
Oh!and its nice to meet you Qp I'm Rika^-^

lunarrox @lunarrox
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lunarrox @lunarrox
....I guess I wouldn't mind if we chat.