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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for qdoketsu12
Apr 04, 14 at 6:37pm
Sosososo angry, answered and then the page refreshed. T-T Gonna retry that tomorrow>.>
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for qdoketsu12
Apr 02, 14 at 4:17pm
hahaha guess we both suck with answering, its also impossible to answer messages longer than 2 sentences on your phone, cause it will take forever and I've had just a bit too often that the page refreshes at the end of writing, and then I just rage quit answering for a week x) well you are still on nooblvl as well x3 but not sure if lvl 80 is pro though, guess that lvl 25 is best? something around that age at least. oh if you don't mind me asking, what is happening? exactly, oh the good old times, even thinking back makes me smile. Best memories ;D ooh smash is such a fun game, one of the best. Never getting tired of it. Did you end up at a good place? And is it like in the anime, that you have your own classroom to meet up? Think that high school is really important, since you really get to know yourself, and people during that time. And you make lifelong friends. Or rather "allies", that sounds a lot better hahaha. Wait, is this a competition? o_O shit, don't wanna lose, I shall never admit defeat >;D veggie powers #1. Veggie>Quinton. well you certainly are not a stereotype, you believe in the power of science ;D So actually we think the same, except for me thinking it just happened and you think that it would be too incidental to just 'happen'. Can live with that(: The best quote I've ever read from a monk was: "I believe in what the bible says, until science proves otherwise". It perfectly tells how all people should think You will never win thisss x3 Grass poweerrr ;D
Oh I lock myself away most days lol why go out and live when you can watch make believe characters go out and live a better life aha. Yeah it's an annoying project, I like my course and everything but I just want to be free to do what I want with it rather than following their assessments ¬.¬ IGNORE THE WRITING WORK, JUST DRAW, 4EVA DRAWING
I'm like an assassin when it comes to finding new animes, myanimelist has literally every anime i've heard the name of in my plan to watch section and I just shoot through them like.. no...no..no..YES..no. Awh man I'll get on that shizz when I have some spare time, dont wanna miss anything cool from a series I like. I loved the couples story in time of eve and you find out they're both the same and it's like DIDNT SEE THAT COMING, OH and Katoran the abandoned robot, so sad. I've just been working on a University project, it takes up alot of time :| what about you?
Alot of the animes you listed I havent watched but if you think so highly of them i'll definitely check them out in the future, I'm always on the hunt for new good ones. I've watched The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiha, that was good and i've watched bits of Porco Rosso when it was on the tv but the storyline seemed interesting, I'll seriously have to check out Laggan hen if you think its better than the finale because that was bloody amazing. OH I'VE WATCHED TIME OF EVE, I loved it, it was quite unique.
Yeah, you just always want to make something better than the last time, It's good training aha. Why thank you sir, my favourite series, Gurren lagann, Air, Clannad, attack on titan, mirai nikki... there's actually alot I could just keep going and going aha, my favourite films are definitely the girl who leapt through time and grave of the fireflies, what about you?
Yeah I mainly like the cartoon style of drawing, but i'm slowly mixing some life drawing into it, I'm doing 3D Animation but I get to work with the game students in future years. Yeah definitely, I'm not very confident with my own drawings but we should trade up sometime aha
Oh wow so we have that in common, i was so nervous when i submitted mine last year but the people were actually really nice, what course are you going for? do you do anylife life drawing? I find life drawing boring but in university/college they love to bombard you with naked people to draw
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for qdoketsu12
Mar 28, 14 at 10:26am
I just now see your request on myanimelist, hehe ^-^
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for qdoketsu12
Mar 28, 14 at 10:10am
hmm sometimes when there are no shared friends, Facebook doesn't seem to pick up the person you're searching for, maybe you should look me op then x] or send me a link^^ haahah, yeah, but being 17 is still on the nooblevel side, luckily even if you are bad at this game, you'll still level up. You are lucky that you get to be laid back now, really a lot of stress over here, my exam week just start and so it's time for late nights and early mornings to study again ehe well if you play a bit of everything, it probably is most fun! my childhood was shaped by the gamecube, holy shit those games were the good times. My digimon game got ruined by a friend, still not over it T-T Personally, I play a game and then am addicted to it until I've done literally every side quest and all the easter egg achievements. Yes, the good thing about this game is that it has the horror elements without being too scary to play. her steampunk outfit is just too perfect<3 Well you should, one day, since it was like one of those 'must play' games if you ask me. Well I'd love to know everything, to get to know how such a club works, where you meet, and how often. hahah you make high school sound particularly bad, it isn't the best place, but yea you also get to meet a lot of awesome people ^-^ About your 'meat will never die' (fuck you for that joke xD) in the newspaper was actually written yesterday that 30mil kg less meat was eaten the past year, so my hopes are up high for it becoming less. There is just a type of meat eating I find disgusting, and that is that you go to a restaurant to choose your own lobster, so they will kill it. that's just hella nasty >< It's never a bad thing to have something you believe in, and make sure that there is something you can fall back on when you're losing your hope on life. My perspective on religion is that it was made centuries ago by people that couldn't explain things such as lightning, it was a destructive power coming from the sky, and they used god as a way to explain these things. Since that physics can now explain almost everything, and will solve even more of the mysteries in life with time, religion will start to be less necessary. It is beautiful to think that there is something after death, since also this will keep your hopes up. But since I believe in the scientific side, it's more likely that your brain stops functioning, and with that your soul will be shut down forever. Hahaha well prove to me you're no stereotype, not that I have connected you with any stereotype at the moment x) Well New York once was a Dutch city, so yeah it is possible we look alike ^-^