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koji @gaxelgaxel
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koji @gaxelgaxel
i'm alreday done with Toradora it was funny at the start and at the end was emotional and romantic..Drrr! was also fine for me one of the unusual story. I'm into anime with comedic scenes like Ouran high wall flower, k-on etc..more on comedy and less on super dramatic stuff. I also despise ecchi stuff like yosuga no sora.. it was a total crap! I also like mysteries an sport anime like eyeshield and major and kukuro i'm planning to watch beelzebub?

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
Oh... and yes I can be THAT bad with technology. Umm... if you'd like to chat on something easier you can add me on Skype (if youhave it - my username is the same as here)

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
Oh boy... I hate that question. It's so complicated... *gets out family tree* 11 brothers and 1 sister. I grew up with 5 older (1 passed away 2 are in jail, I don't really talk to the other 2) 9 of my brothers are step >,> but I only see my 3 half siblings and my new soon to be step brother (I hate those terms... half/step.. even if there is a divorce they are still my siblings)