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Space_cakes @nepirimu
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Space_cakes @nepirimu
Thankyou for the add! ^^ and I agree with you, I. do. not. like. animes. that. do. not. end =n= such as Naruto. DX but anyways hope to talk to you more in the future. :3

mikuru @mikuru
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mikuru @mikuru
Thnx for the add! :)

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Thx for the add ^^
Hai hai~! (*^▽^)/

pripri @pripri
Hai hai~! (*^▽^)/
pripri @pripri
Good day to you all~ :3
I'm not actually 'new', made my account about half a year ago but forgot about it. x3
But I am new to the community! ^ w ^
So.. Hmm, introduction..
Well there's a lot about me already on my info box, so I'll try to keep it short with just a few things I didn't mention. > w <
I'm kind-hearted and take friendships seriously, I try to keep people happy!
There's rarely a time when I'm ever angry with someone.
I prefer using MAL, Skype, or Steam for chatting.
I'm a Software Developer, been programming for about 10 years now, currently heading in the direction of game development.
My hobbies include drawing, playing piano, 3D modelling, gaming, anime (of course), music.
I'm not too good at playing piano but it's something I want to do professionally in future, my most recent practise can be heard here:
I really loved 5cm/s, it's my favourite anime movie. ^ w ^
I'm quite a casual/social gamer, not too good at any kind of game (otherthan osu).
I prefer to play online games so I can just chat with other people. xD
That's about all I feel like mentioning here, thanks for reading~ = w =