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hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
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hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
u look like the guy from reno 911
(just sayin)

Sephiroth @sephiroth
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Sephiroth @sephiroth
We just started in July. Be sure to tell all your friends!!

Rx7guy @rx7guy
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Rx7guy @rx7guy
yeah, I like your taste in anime from you profile. I have been a fan of full metal panic since I saw it in a anime magazine. It's been a while since i have been to pittsburgh.
who likes hentai :P

PersonaZero @personazero
commented on
who likes hentai :P
PersonaZero @personazero
There's nothing wrong with liking hentai. I like hentai and yuri. Plus I go to Fakku too!
Any Otaku in Western PA?

PersonaZero @personazero
Any Otaku in Western PA?
PersonaZero @personazero
I was wondering if any of you live in Western PA?