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rebornjm @rebornjm
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rebornjm @rebornjm

ksong @ksong
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ksong @ksong
Hey long time no talk! Haha it's ok. Life happens and stuff comes up :P The holidays were great for me and yes I enjoyed the Hobbit movie. Oh cool that means it must be easy going to Otakon!

ksong @ksong
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ksong @ksong
Oh wow that's quite the list. I only recognized like 2 of them xD Yeah I can't wait to actually see what Smaug looks like! I definitely think Magneto is one of my favorite villains. I also like Black Cat and Emma Frost :D Oh yeah I forgot to ask but what part of Maryland are you from? I live in Anne Arundel County but I go to school in College Park