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36 year old Male
Last online about 5 years ago
Jan 12, 13 at 1:39pm
I am doing well. Spent Christmas with my daughter and son-in-law. My lease is up the end of Feb so I am considering my options. How about you. You still in the Dallas area?
Jan 09, 13 at 8:36pm
I live north/ middle part of tx( Ellis county) sooo boring!! Haha of course I'm going to a- kon, wouldn't miss it! ( I already started saving money:3 Same here Saiyuki fans r rare! I L-O-V-E GOKU!!!! My whole room is deticated to him.... Ok that was a bit obsessive lol:3
Jan 09, 13 at 11:41am
Hello. Who is your favorite naruto character?
Jan 05, 13 at 11:55am
Wow that's a great summerary! I think u covered it all! It's been a long time since I watch/ played any sonic games, i should again:p Latly I've been stuck on uncharted. So I geuss I'll tell u about me. Im 23 years old, just graduated from NPTI. I love to dance and have my own crew. My main hobbies r drawing , dancing, working out, video games, anime and hanging with friends. I will laugh at almost anything absoluly love Saiyuki!
Dec 22, 12 at 2:33pm
Haha thank u. Its a simple name so I can't complain...Although it would have been better to have a japanese name.^_^ So tell me more about yourself.
Dec 08, 12 at 8:02pm
Sonic shoot yea!!!! I love spencers as well. Not to mention that sonic's girl has the same name as mine.:3
Dec 07, 12 at 1:47pm
Oh yes! Black cat is easly one of my favs! 4th place on my shelf. Btw love your sonic t-shirt! Where did u get it?
ch3224 @ch3224 left a comment for otoburikid
Dec 06, 12 at 5:49pm
Dec 05, 12 at 3:39pm
Must be a lot different than sitting in a lecture room, right =) ?
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