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36 year old Male
Last online about 5 years ago
Sonikku @sonikku left a comment for otoburikid
Jun 09, 11 at 8:47pm
Whats up bro?
LOL well yeah, I actually did read it a lot >_< It was my first manga, so until I found other series, I would just read that one a lot..but it shows it has been well-loved, right ;D? That would be epic-awesome if the DVDs were also coming back..the box sets of Sailor Moon are pretty expensive though -_- hmm, well if they decide to redub, I guess maybe then they'd do it? Yup, I agree, hopefully that's not just a rumor..who knows, since they're bringing back the manga, maybe they'll be inspired to do the same for the anime.
Jun 09, 11 at 3:57pm
Yea man! I'm currently replaying Chrono Trigger right now ^_^ And I'm about to start playing Tales of Vesperia.
Oh, well hopefully you like the manga! I read most of the volumes when they originally came out, but I have a few missing so it would be nice to complete it ^_^ Plus, my Sailor Moon manga is so old that it looks like some of the ink is starting to fade =0 so maybe it's worth replacing some of it >_< I found the manga to be a bit more sophisticated than the anime (maybe because they censored/took a lot out in the anime?) I know what you mean..the box sets of them are pretty expensive so it's nice that it'll be back at a normal price and availability..and yeah, gives Americans a chance to enjoy the manga, especially if they grew up with the anime =) I'm especially interested in seeing the Sailor V story since Takuchi San's artwork is so delicate and beautiful..ahh, the nostalgia XD !! Good lord, I can't wait >_< Thank you so much again for telling me about it..I had no idea they were releasing it again, and being a Sailor Moon fan, that was awesome news =)
Oh ok, that's good >_< LOL very true..I have noticed an increase in accessories like that..oh that's cool..yeah, it would make sense since it's getting re-released. I can't wait! And it makes sense to re-release it since so many otakus are already familiar with Sailor Moon..I'm curious what the extra Sailor V story is going to be like.
LOL oh I know he's not in it..just the idea of a giant animal suit somehow made Pedo BearA come into my mind XD Ahaha, that would be pretty freaky, let alone Pedo Bear becoming a stalker 0_0 Oh that is surprising..I love finding anime t-shirts, but lately they're hard to find in regular stores..I remember Hot Topic used to carry a lot of them, and now they only have Pikachu shirts (no offense to Pikachu of course XD!)..lol Naruto jeans, huh? Hmm sounds at least interesting..I'd love to find a cute accessory that mimics Sailor Moon or other magical girl series..but t-shirts would be awesome so I think you have a great idea..as long as they come in small sizes as well >_<
Hmm well that sounds like a good idea, especially if you plan on having your own otaku store, etc., it's good to know how to make cosplays, plus, it looks like a fun character ^_^ I know I saw a similar cosplay character, but I think it was a giant bear or something..oh yeah! It was pedo bear =D
Oh sorry about that, but hey, finally getting to Dallas, that's definitely a plus ^_^ I hope things work out! Yeah, same thing..outside of finishing S.C., most of the titles I'm waiting on come out in July or September..Aww, I just looked up Tom Nook and that would make such a fun cosplay =D
Hiya >_< I've been fine, and you? Just finished Shugo Chara Party a few days ago...
Jun 03, 11 at 9:55am
You are welcome! If there is your special anime, I want to know it :)
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