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31 year old Female
Last online almost 13 years ago
Mimmy @hibali left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 10:27am
Awesome! Those are what I usually play too! :)
Domino369 @domino369 left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 10:17am
Well of coarse Vash, but the darkness Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Archer from Fate/Stay Night, Elk from .hack though that one seems a little too passive, whats his name who wore the red clothes in .hack lol, Vash's partner, main character in Samurai Champloo, umm others maybe but I gotta go to class lol. Be back in like 6-7 hours x.x
no cosplay yet but im thinking of doing it at this next awa
Razgriz @razgriz left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 8:49am
Same here. Got a test in chemistry coming up and work is starting to be a bit stressful but which job isn't lol. Also been shopping for cosplay and airsoft
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 8:40am
cool, well keep me posted cause im definetly interested, though I guess I should tell you about myself huh? my real name is johnatan washington (feel free to give me any nickname you want) I dont really like my name because it's so common -_-', anyway im a 23 year old otaku who's a die hard fan of sonic the hedgehog, I've had a rough past so I can be a downer every now and again, but im a mostly upbeat and adventurous person. I'm an artist and a kid at heart, I write my own stories though im not all that good at drawing yet (I just started up again). I wanna move to dallas to get a change of scenery and also be able to make my dreams come true, I plan to open a few anime stores around the country and start a media production business in the future. I'm not hard to get along with, all I ask is not to touch my stuff without permission from me and also pull your own weight, I hate slackers and leeches if you know what I mean. Oh im also a good cook and im a pretty clean and organized person as well. well that's all I can think of off the top of my head, let me know if you have any other questions
Cool I would love that, so do you have an instant messenger that I can chat with you at?
yeah definitely lolz that would be awesome haha
yeah lolz i remember when i was younger i always wanted a tail lmao
pooker @pooker left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 1:09am
Yup I am always up for joining a group. I generally join one for each con.
nugundam @nugundam left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 15, 11 at 12:27am
Those are pretty great costumes. Will you be attending Anime Matsuri or All Con this year?
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