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ActiveOtaku @otakukanan
ActiveOtaku @otakukanan
Hey man, don't let a little rain get you down. Vegeta doesn't.
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Bro I was about to walk out to go to the gym for my personal trainer appointment then suddenly it's storming and coming down on me

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Amen to that

ActiveOtaku @otakukanan
ActiveOtaku @otakukanan
Like one of those workout gloves with the finger cut-outs. This would allow it to show off assets. Yep, something to think about. G'night!
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blanonski @blanonski
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blanonski @blanonski
If the two fingers from elden ring were to wear clothing, how would they wear it?