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Otaku5ama @otaku5ama
Otaku5ama @otaku5ama

So the Animatic Con is over, and now I'm sad lol. I've got pics of my merch, and pics of cosplayers. I'll upload all the others, but this pic... By the gods, I just wanted to '*scoops little girl up* "I claim this child as mine. She will sit on a thrown of adorbs and all will bow to her kawaii power." She was just SOOOO cute. She even did Nico's "Nico Nico Nii!" I applaud her mother for supporting her interest in anime and even cosplay. Most parents I know would never consider going along with it, but that could just be among MY network of people. Anywho, I may have not taken as many pictures as most people do, but it was my first con, so gomen! ww

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Good luck m8
upload some pics later >>

Otaku5ama @otaku5ama
Otaku5ama @otaku5ama
Can't wait for tomorrow. My first convention,and I'm so excited.