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tsukiraki @tsukiraki
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tsukiraki @tsukiraki
thanks! i really appreciate you sharing that with me :)

otaku1983 @otaku1983
otaku1983 @otaku1983
Just checked up on it now, what I seen of Air gear Might have been an OVA, But it said season 2 so... I could have sworn I seen more of them, If I find the link for them I'll be sure to post it.

tsukiraki @tsukiraki
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tsukiraki @tsukiraki
Why do I feel like I should have known that there's a season two of Air Gear lol! Nah I've gotta check it out. Oh gosh 19 years is too long to wait for a story to end completely. That would drive me crazy. It's not a cold... More like a really bad toothache causing nasty migraines. Hectic cause I'm planning on moving myself.