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ranma87 @ranma87
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ranma87 @ranma87
Hiya ^^

RoninSydd @roninsydd
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RoninSydd @roninsydd
Yes I have XD I really like it so far too. Probably one of my favs of the season

jimnastiks @jimnastiks
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jimnastiks @jimnastiks
His name is Hummus. I've had him for about 2 months now, but he is about 4 months old now, still growing.
new Korean guy

onep1ecefan @onep1ecefan
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new Korean guy
onep1ecefan @onep1ecefan
Washington State

onep1ecefan @onep1ecefan
Washington State
onep1ecefan @onep1ecefan
There seem to be a bunch of threads about specific parts of Washington but I didn't see one just for Washington State. So anyone else out there living in the evergreen state?
Mar 30-Apr 1
Artist. Jun 1-3
Jun 29-Jul 1
Apr 19-21