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OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
well just got done beating xenoverse so now time to get ready for Mortal Kombat X

honeyrunne @honeyrunne
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honeyrunne @honeyrunne

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
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VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Hello :3
Starting a Raidcall for MaiOtaku Gaming

OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
Starting a Raidcall for MaiOtaku Gaming
OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
i been thinking of this for a long time but how would people feel if i was to make a raidcall for gamers in here to meet up talk gaming or play games.. pretty much a chill spot tell me what yall think
Check Out My Dragonball Xenoverse Gameplays

OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
Check Out My Dragonball Xenoverse Gameplays
OblivionSusanowoo @oblivionsusanowoo
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! so For those who know or may not know i have a youtube channel that i am trying to promoteand i just started doing dragonball xenoverse lets play's on my channel and since all of use are anime lovers here i dont think that yall wouldnt watch this so here is part one of the lets play hope yall have fun and enjoy and remember don forget to COMMENT, RATE AND SUBSCRIBE ^_^