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ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
Beginning to watch My Hero Academia.

Aurelio @animefan4life Nice

ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
Playing Town of Salem right now. Play on Chaos - All Any if you want to try to find me.

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Copy the link from the Share Button on youtube.
Paste it anywhere on MO. (i.e.
Remove the S from HTTPS.
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?

ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
Got it. Thx!
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?

ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
@mikan about that picture, what anime is that from? Not the one from toradora, the one above it.