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Noblebluelion @nobleblue
Noblebluelion @nobleblue
Yeah. It's like it was when I first signed up for it. Lol. Which was a while ago.

envy_rose @envy_rose
envy_rose @envy_rose
It feels really old and it's barely active

Noblebluelion @nobleblue
Noblebluelion @nobleblue
I know. Seems they're trying to do more stuff with it though. But it looks like it did when I first made my account. Haha
Just made an account ^^'

Noblebluelion @nobleblue
commented on
Just made an account ^^'
Noblebluelion @nobleblue
Welcome! I'm just starting to use this site as well. Lol
New Here ^^

Noblebluelion @nobleblue
commented on
New Here ^^
Noblebluelion @nobleblue
Dang. Hopefully they fix your account.