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steinchan @steinchan
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steinchan @steinchan

KibouOtaku @kibouotaku
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KibouOtaku @kibouotaku
Seeing as two of my top fav personal animes are in your listing high up I figure why not drop a hello ^^
I do hope to hear from you sometime in the near future

Lilly_Tsukihime_23 @lilly_tsukihime_23
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Lilly_Tsukihime_23 @lilly_tsukihime_23
Hey there. I saw you and the match list and I have to say I love your Kyo, Ichigo and I can't believe it your Gene Starwind. Hope we can be friends
AZ in the NC

Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
AZ in the NC
Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
just seeing whos going to AZ this weekend. Just got my anime hair done and cant wait till friday!
maybe we can meet up? highfive for being otakus?
Males of this site you disappoint me

Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
commented on
Males of this site you disappoint me
Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
I believe its called sexism!