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XxXChibiFemRussiaXxX @xxxchibifemrussiaxxx
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XxXChibiFemRussiaXxX @xxxchibifemrussiaxxx
Hihi ^^

Hunney @hunney
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Hunney @hunney
Your welcome~!
What is your favorite Pokemon?

Negide @negide
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What is your favorite Pokemon?
Negide @negide
Croconaw's my favorite. Followed by Victini.
Anime or Manga?

Negide @negide
Anime or Manga?
Negide @negide
Title says it all really. Which do you prefer, anime or manga?
I usually prefer manga, myself. Since it's usually the original and leaves more for interpretation.
Jul 30-Aug 1
Nov 12-14
Feb 18-20
Jul 29-31