rhianedd @rhianedd
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rhianedd @rhianedd
I know! I wanted it on pc to play with my friends but my specs aren't good enough ='( I nearly cried... ps3 it is =s
As far as I know it actually IS coming out in January :D I hope so! ><
What are your favorite games and anime then? :3
lucille @lucille
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lucille @lucille
Thank you ^^
rhianedd @rhianedd
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rhianedd @rhianedd
My favorite video game is dragon age origins, I still get feels to this day =3
Hmmm I don't really have a favorite anime, I like lots of different genres although my favorite this year is Tokyo Ghoul :)I know manga fans were disappointed but I still enjoyed it and love the soundtrack. Plus I've started the manga myself to continue the story.
Hishimura @hishimura
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Hishimura @hishimura
Certainly what is your question?
Nate @natekun
Nate @natekun
Yeah, I can imagine. Appreciate it, thank you :')!
Saya @its_saya
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Saya @its_saya
Well it's just one of those things that you have to read up on in order to learn. There's a few guides online though.
Saya @its_saya
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Saya @its_saya
It's not too hard, it's like a Lego set.
Saya @its_saya
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Saya @its_saya
Yeah, I built my own PC though.
Saya @its_saya
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Saya @its_saya
No worries, just being honest. That and paying for online isn't my thing, that's why I generally play on PC.
Saya @its_saya
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Saya @its_saya
Ah, it sounded like you already had it.
I would but I rather not update for awhile.