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naryuske @naryuske
naryuske @naryuske
Now that i dont have my phone with kik work is going to be hell ~.~

naryuske @naryuske
naryuske @naryuske
Im gonna have to delete kik , im not gonna get a smartphone cause its so annoying to take care of ~.~ im going back to flip phones

naryuske @naryuske
naryuske @naryuske
So the worst thing happened to me, i had my phone stolen ~.~ all my pictures music and games are all gone QnQ life is so cruel
anyone here play or know about Elsword?

naryuske @naryuske
anyone here play or know about Elsword?
naryuske @naryuske
looking for fellow elsword players
Any Mexican??

naryuske @naryuske
commented on
Any Mexican??
naryuske @naryuske
I was born in the US as well but My family is mexican