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Bonjour gosaimasu !
Nakreim @nakreim
Bonjour gosaimasu !
Nakreim @nakreim
Hello there. French otaku successfully signed in.
Looking for some otaku community aaaaaand... found it ?
I hope so !
Let me introduce myself :
I'm Nak.
But please don't pay attention to the "reim", when you say it or write it, it just wants to rhyme.
(Dammit.. ! Again!)
Let's forget about my dumpy humour and go on to a bit of me. (Not what you may think about... YES, I know at least one thought about it.
I defenetily love animes, mangas, video games, and other things in live that doesn't have its place on this site.
So feel free to talk, I'm not against anyone.
See you later. ~