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MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
How do I form a relationship with a girl?

MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
yaasshat: that's what I'm doing. it ain't working. we may be friends for a few months but we'll eventually stop talking
How do I form a relationship with a girl?

MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
I guess for the girls that I liked, it was the approach that was the biggest problem for me. Subconsciously, I already like them so it's hard to make the first move. How do I approach a girl that I like? I can't approach her like she's someone I want to befriend. I just consciously do it. Talking with them and having a relationship I find it to be a lot easier. But I'm not too worry about finding that type of relationship atm. I'm more concern on how to befriend a girl. It's easy to approach them because I subconsciously don't see them as a girlfriend but it's hard to talk with them because I fear they might end up liking me. But wugi, I like how you said call them "little sister" or "sibling" I remember I did that once back then and it helped..but that girl slowly stopped talking to me eventually. How do I keep a long-lasting close relationship with a girl that's a friend?
I guess you can say my biggest flaw (or not) is that everyone I want to be friends with (guys and girls alike) we usually hang out a lot and talk about serious things. that's how we become close I seriously have to tell a friend girl that I don't like her the way I like a girlfriend? I tried that a few back then but eventally we'll stop talking with eachother. How can I get close with a random girl just as a friend?