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30 year old Male
Last online over 3 years ago
No Face would be very fun! I remember a No Face cosplayer at Ikkicon one year who was giving free hugs and offering fake gold nuggets to people. So clever! It's hard for me to find a cosplay that's original and enjoyable at the same time. I would do Rukia, but there's a thousand Rukias already and besides, I used to have that hairstyle... It didn't look good on me, LOL.
Mar 05, 13 at 1:00am
Love bleach<3 ^_^
Yes, occasionally. This year I'm planning to cosplay President Cao Cao from KO 3an Guo... In the past I've cosplayed Dr. Umeda from the Hana Kimi live action drama and Hiei from YuYu Hakusho. I kind of got my arm twisted into doing Hiei though, LOL.
Nice to meet you too. Study hard! Japanese is fun but tough to learn! ^^
I'd advise looking the Yookoso Beginner's textbook and starting from there. Listen to the music, watch the live action dramas, and immerse yourself in the language. Get a Japanese-English dictionary and start practicing. I never had a professional teacher, but once I started publicly showing my efforts to learn it on my own I started attracting the attention of actual Japanese people who were more than willing to teach me. Also look on LiveMocha.com!
Mar 04, 13 at 1:38am
Thank you :)
Still single :(