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MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
Fellas, is it gay to be gay?

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 y gay be gay i guess :p

MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
Pretty happy, it's been a good couple of days

MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
Feeling the weight of a void seems like it should be an oxymoron but at the same time is an identifiable feeling
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MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
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MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
roger is looking pretty thicc though
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MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
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MrRobot_5.9 @mrrobo_t5_9
I don't really like my friends as much as they like me