embracethemadness @embracethemadness
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embracethemadness @embracethemadness
Oh, competitions & practice, practice, practice. Things have been a little hectic as of late. (:

embracethemadness @embracethemadness
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embracethemadness @embracethemadness
I see, I see :D Well, I just find that dandy haha But, other than that, what's up?

embracethemadness @embracethemadness
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embracethemadness @embracethemadness
Woah! You go to UA? I was there last weekend for the Alabama/Florida Atlantic game (: Sorry, just thought I'd throw that out there! hah

embracethemadness @embracethemadness
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embracethemadness @embracethemadness
I'd absolutely love to be friends, dear. ^^