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Last online over 7 years ago
samxdash @samxdash left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 28, 13 at 4:52pm
I want a perverted penguin! o.o Yeah Inuyasha is long. I've given up on it and then started oit again, then given up yet again so many times. Its a great story, it just progresses to slowly. Its not the slowest thing I've every watched though... DBZ takes that spot on the list of slow shows.
kingn3873 @kingn3873 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 28, 13 at 3:39am
I love anime dubbed by Funimation because they seem to nail the character voices just right as with VIZ Media people seem to complain about their voices more. I didn't notice at first but the symbol on the top left corner is from Soul Eater XD sweet lol.
you're pretty!
Feb 27, 13 at 5:55pm
awww c: but nawww that will nevah happen evah
meatstakk @meatstakk left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 27, 13 at 2:12pm
I like a long read when it comes to reviews but that's just me. You should put something like a 3-word summary at the end like "IS GOOD. WATCH." Or something like that lol
samxdash @samxdash left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 27, 13 at 2:04pm
I've seen those! Totoro was one of my fav movies when I was younger! Inuyasha is ok. Kinda long. And he is my master is very funny. :)
Feb 27, 13 at 1:59pm
Wow, not only do you speak Japanese, but you can also cook Japanese. I don't know about you, but you might have been asian in a past life. You seem to be getting cooler by the moment. But yeah, Though i love all types of food, my favorite hands down would be asian. I have a weakness for a japanese dish called "Sukiyaki". You should try it sometime, it will blow your mind. As for asian music, my favorite bands include Buck Tick, Dir En Grey, Malice Mizer, and X Japan. Totally into the Visual Kei style.
CrownCross @alucard317 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 27, 13 at 1:48pm
Thanks again. Il try them all. Arrigato
meatstakk @meatstakk left a comment for ZeldaChan
Feb 27, 13 at 1:46pm
Damn copyrights!!! That's pretty cool; I watched yu-gi-oh back in the day so I don't remember a whole lot of it lol. D: that's a shame, I'd definitely take a look at them but too much effort. :3
Feb 27, 13 at 1:40pm
Omfg <3 You're beautiful , i have seen the korean version and Japanese version, <3 chinese i still have to watch xD yeah if we met up, we'd totally be best friends. i would not be like "can i come over?" i'd be like "yeah i'm coming over today!" XD ahaha and yeah kirarin revolution! i'd defenitely crush on Seiji Duhh ^_~ Seiji is way more of a gentlemen an kind and cuter and sexy'der? XD and awesome and hot and everything that is possible XD and how about you? :P