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Last online over 7 years ago
Jan 21, 13 at 9:13pm
D'awww ty ;-; gl with ur bakery maybe I can visit one day with my piano heheh 8D and I am an OK artist I can draw someanime characters.. need picture in front of me tho..
boktay @boktay left a comment for ZeldaChan
Jan 21, 13 at 6:23pm
^w^ nice to meet u monja chan :3 I see that uve planned to watch 5 centimeters per second! i recommend you to watch it right away or as soon as possible because its just that good Q____Q be make sure to have a box of tissues beside u before the movie starts XDDD thats my only recommendation
guilliano @guilliano left a comment for ZeldaChan
Jan 21, 13 at 5:17pm
oowh cool i like that outfit (kuroyukihime) you wish too live there sounds cool i never tought that far only tought about going on vakation there one week snowboarding or at least trying to snowboard (never done it so its new for me)and the other week backpacking seeing the sights with a group of my friends and weth nought plus i want to at least once in my life try out fugu= blowfish the but yeah i also heard that kanji was hard from what i've been told it would take 4 years to read and speak japannese and 2 years more if you alsto want to learn kanji altough i dont thingk it would rake that long if its speaking rather than otaku i consider myself an enthousiast af anime/manga related things iand a gamer ofcourse :P but man you got some great ambishions
Jan 20, 13 at 8:28pm
I used to wanna be an artist then I'm like hmm gonna be hard so now I want to be an art therapist and help ppl heal with art and hopefully own a bakery on the side and be a waiter who wears a tux and greets ppl and play the piano at night with a spotlight under me heheh I planned it all out x3
guilliano @guilliano left a comment for ZeldaChan
Jan 20, 13 at 5:27pm
never did cosplay there aren't many situations where i could wear them im open to try tough if the opperitunity shows itself i do wish that if i get a girlfriend she would want to cosplay girl always look realy good in the outfits and don have that many otaku friends sinds they dont realy watch that much anime here plus i dont realy think im an otaku i love the whole manga anime and games and draw them occasionally but im not like realy collecting dvds or figurines i do however have interest in the whole japanese cultere but that comes mostly from the anime
Jan 20, 13 at 5:16pm
Yup haha it is a lot of work and studying but I really like physics. Yea I'm going to wait for other titles to come out too. Yea I saw the commercial it was TP in HD just to show what the console is capable of. I'm also looking forward to Bayonetta 2 on the WiiU and I want to try out the Ninja Gaiden 3. Are you open to a long distance relationship?
Jan 20, 13 at 4:47pm
Oh yea, I don't find the game that hard anymore it's pretty easy now after a few play throughs. Can't wait for a new game, when they announce it I will get a WiiU :) Yea I'm going to college I'm majoring in physics. I'm just working part time right now to have some extra money.
Jan 20, 13 at 4:21pm
Yea I used to have both versions of the game too, but I got rid of the GC version not to long ago. Yea the graphics are pretty I wish they were more HD but it was made when Wii came out so can't expect them to be like PS3 graphics. Well can't wait for an HD Zelda game for WiiU. So what's your job?
Jan 20, 13 at 4:05pm
Oh yea, I'm working today :( it sucks working on sundays but oh well I need the money to buy things and pay for my cell phone. Can't wait to get home and play some twilight princess!
Jan 20, 13 at 3:51pm
Oh really that sucks. Here where I live they are usually out of used ones and have new ones in stock, but yea I always get my consoles new never really like getting used ones. The only thing I buy used are some games. How's your day been?