愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
i really really like this ship
they are just cute as hell
idc if they're already in their 40s canonically where they are officially denounced dating each other,
i still think actually they atleast got it on when they first met in my headcanon
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1 As someone who has never played Devil May Cry, I love Lady. She's really hot. I've only gotten glimpse and pieces from Project X Zone. But this seems like a great ship! Perfect for Dante. XP
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
wew KOF dating sim? i'm down!!
sleeping K is so cute wtf my heart
not only he is my main, i can actually make him officially my husbando now
it sure is getting better and better for otome fans //sniffs
bless you japan
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
In my first playthrough of the game, Kyosuke Mikoshiba was the first one I encountered. A huge tsundere and I wasnt really into tsundere as Im more into Yandere
I hated him at first but he grew on me and I eventually got to know him in our dates. I was aiming for someone else but I found Kyosuke and I had a lot in common. I was always surprised by his sweet gestures esp when we were called "baka couple" by everyone else considering how he loves exchanging "I love you"s with me alot haha lmao hes very needy and attached
He was my very first tsundere husbando.
Surprisingly amazing experience
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
tangna inlove pa rin ako kay Kazuki Hihara after 11 years hahahaha
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
yo where the clubs at
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
the japanese ASCII arts wont work properly but i guess this one would
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
i ship these two so much it hurts
愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
no matter handsome Hei is, he's gonna look fucked up here
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愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
testing ASCII art but html format is a bitch
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愛 @moniker
愛 @moniker
wow i like the dark mode but there's nothing much has changed here just more spam