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mancy @mancy
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mancy @mancy
Hey how's it going? i hope you're okay. Wondered if you wanted to get to know one an other

nickytojo20 @nickytojo20
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nickytojo20 @nickytojo20
What i seek is thunder

jessicafc279 @jessicafc279
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jessicafc279 @jessicafc279
My collection of hot photos here
Yo what is up~

mochimars @mochimars
Yo what is up~
mochimars @mochimars
So, I'm not too sure what to do on here, so I figured I would say hi to people on here!
I am MochiMars, and I'm 18 from Uk! (fun fact, I was born in Russia ;) )
Some facts about me! I'm incredibly shy, terrriiffiieed of bugs, and I am a weeb for sure, so talk to me at your own risk!
Anyways, I'm looking forwards to talking to some peeps on here! Nice to meet you all!