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nodachi2001 @nodachi2001
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nodachi2001 @nodachi2001
Hi there and welcome to MaiOtaku!
So what con are you just getting back from? Otakon?
I'd love to chat with you about it sometime and hear about your con experiences :)

GAR_AF @gar_af
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GAR_AF @gar_af
Whoa, 1 of the 2 anime/manga you have on your profile is my favorite series of all time. I even have a JoJo's tattoo! Did you go to the JoJo's photoshoot at Otakon this past weekend? I was a part of it.

yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
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yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
Cute hair. Going to MAGFest in February?