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Last online about 19 hours ago
Moomin land, Finland
darkflame @darkflamehaze left a comment for Rin
Mar 17, 15 at 6:13pm
Cute profile picture btw :)
darkflame @darkflamehaze left a comment for Rin
Mar 17, 15 at 6:12pm
What do you think about the romance in chihayafuru? i really like that she keeps true to it i see many male characters switch between girl's i always hate it and get mad because of it xD yeah but that is whit alot of anime types you think would suck but then u watch it and simply enjoy the story xD i like the slow pace of some anime :) wolf spice hehe
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Rin
Mar 17, 15 at 5:02pm
Arigatou miarin-san ;0
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Rin
Mar 17, 15 at 4:52pm
That's good to hear. Have a great day. I'm going to hit the hay now ;) http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/097/a/f/sleep_deprived_by_sasokity-d7deku1.gif
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Rin
Mar 17, 15 at 4:29pm
Hi miarin. I see the troll's been troubling you too. Are you okay? http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/358/0/9/sharing_is_caring____by_nayzak-d4k4ud8.jpg
darkflame @darkflamehaze left a comment for Rin
Mar 15, 15 at 4:30pm
ugg this guy is trolling you too? anoying Yeah no problem i told you that i know my anime :) just ask if u need a epic anime i know many. soooo your also on a marathon? ^^ i watching requiem of phantom seen it before but its really good :) so what did u think of chihayafuru good right u did see season 2 aswell right? http://www.madman.com.au/wallpapers/phantom_requiem_for_the_p_517_1280.jpg
Mar 15, 15 at 12:11pm
This account has been suspended.
darkflame @darkflamehaze left a comment for Rin
Mar 12, 15 at 6:29am
Yeah chihayafuru is really cute right? i really love the main character i like her pure feelings for the guy she idolize i really love seeing that i hope that Taichi wont step between them i disslike him xD he is sweet and all but i want her to love arata. i really like this anime because of the characters the nice animation and art music. Kanade is also great whit her knowledge of old poems. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/chihayafuru/images/2/2e/Kanade's_appearance.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111103231825
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku left a comment for Rin
Mar 11, 15 at 11:14am
So, how are you?
darkflame @darkflamehaze left a comment for Rin
Mar 10, 15 at 4:25pm
How are u doing? I'm really bored :S yesterday i watched diamond no ace but i don't know how i feel about it the main character doesn't get mutch time to shine at all lol hes being neglected alot xD what are u up to these day's hows sleeping ? ^^