darkflame @darkflamehaze
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darkflame @darkflamehaze
How are u doing? I'm really bored :S yesterday i watched diamond no ace but i don't know how i feel about it the main character doesn't get mutch time to shine at all lol hes being neglected alot xD what are u up to these day's hows sleeping ? ^^

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
My currently favorite is KanColle OPand ED and The Seven Deadly Sins second opening.

Rin @miarin
Rin @miarin
i see, 15-16 degreees? so lucky, here it's like 4 degrees http://40.media.tumblr.com/e1b1cc0275f317304102a329ed5773dc/tumblr_mhevpaw9Lp1rgf7evo1_400.jpg

darkflame @darkflamehaze
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darkflame @darkflamehaze
I'm fine just like you busy whit things just cleaned my room and today is all windows open day xD it's finaly like 15-17 dagrees nice and warm whit a breeze great time to air the house :D yesterday i went to my sister to help her out in the garden :)

darkangel13666 @darkangel13666
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darkangel13666 @darkangel13666
hi there thank you for add me =w=

rancethevii @rancethevii
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rancethevii @rancethevii
Wow, level 10. You're sooo slow, grandama. Hah, nah, there's just so much to do I waste time exploring and marveling how pretty the game is. Friends still make fun of me for leveling at a turtle pace, hah.

Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
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Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
No problem! :)

rancethevii @rancethevii
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rancethevii @rancethevii
wow, I just bought that too. Well im level 40, wish I was max already! How are the European Servers? Populated at all?

rancethevii @rancethevii
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rancethevii @rancethevii
Aw, that makes me sad. You should get into it though, touhou so good. What games do you play then?

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Nice! What's your favorite song?