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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
bro you ok?

rayne267 @rayne267
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rayne267 @rayne267
oh ok thats why, so how are you?

rayne267 @rayne267
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rayne267 @rayne267
hey did i do something to scare you away? i only got one reply from you :(
World of Warcraft

messy20 @messy20
commented on
World of Warcraft
messy20 @messy20
Yea I agree. I hate playing for it but I enjoy it to much so I do lol
World of Warcraft

messy20 @messy20
World of Warcraft
messy20 @messy20
I know it's not about anime but I'm just wondering if anyone plays? My main charactor is a druid an lvl90. An alt I play a lot(not alts I made an stopped lvling) is a 85 mage. Still need to lvl em to 90. I'm currently on realm- farstriders but will be switching soon.