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mrsteven @mrsteven
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mrsteven @mrsteven
Hell yeah~ Thats the main reason im still on episode 7 i think. I cant sit and marathon it, its too funny. I only watch a bit if Im in need of a pic me up.

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Hello ^^

mrsteven @mrsteven
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mrsteven @mrsteven
Daily life of highschool boys is the best show!!!
Been here for like a year and still no friends :/

MartyAraragi @martytheotaku
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Been here for like a year and still no friends :/
MartyAraragi @martytheotaku
Well. I don'thave friends on here either. But that'smostly cuz I forget about this site for 2 months (I noticed when I got billed). But I communicate with people on Facebook. Join groups with your interest. I joined 4 anime groups and they are a blast. Everyone talks to each other through other people's posts. But that's just my two cents. Good luck Bro! And I love Happy Mask Salesman. That remake tho.