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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 9:37pm
same same. usually i overthink things when it comes to socializing. i think about whether i said the wrong thing or like maybe what i said wasnt normal stuff like that. i just worry too much. haha well you're one to talk, if you've felt that way since 16-17 then mine is justified. idk the minute i crossed over into 18 i was like @-@ when did i get so old? i've been on this planet for 18 years now thats such a long time. it only gets worse cuz in 6 months i'll be 20. oh well i dont feel like i could handle such a responsibility. taking care of like dozens of kids ^^; i mean yeah they kinda teach you about what you're suppose to do, but idk i've never ACTUALLY been good at teaching stuff. thing in my mind dont come out how i want them to. plus one time i was feeding one of my little nieces and she was a baby. here i am giving her this bottle but she is drinking it too fast and im like >.> slow down i dont want you to like drown or something. if a situation like that happened idk how i would react its fine, we are used to it by now. besides she might need it a little more than we do. i'd rather her know what real love and attention is than to go out there and meet some guy who will do her wrong. all because she never experienced it before. if that makes sense?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 8:31pm
haha yeah thats me XD i tend to overthink everything. its a bad habit of mine, sometime i turn the simplest things into like a complex math equation ohhhh i see a teaching internship. well childhood education was my old major. i really like kids :D they are adorable and i seem to get along with them so i figured why not be a teacher? i even volunteered a while back at an elementary school. the kids were so cute. i was in charge of kindergarten. my class used to call me Mr.kitty cuz i wore a shirt with a cat on it my first day of school (haha i figure it would help me fit in with them, but it back fired. they kept thinking i was a kid and not an adult) although even if im younger than you i feel like i get where you're coming from lol i feel old myself dont feel bad for her XD she gets whatever she wants cuz she is the only girl. my mom spoils her, meanwhile the boys must fend for themselves lmao
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 6:55pm
well just go there already drunk, right? problem solved lol that way you can have fun cuz you arent sober. and you wont have to worry about your drink getting anything. though the only problem is you need someone to take you there. (but then again you needed someone to take you home if you drank there) oh pls you dont seem that old XD if your age on here is correct, you're still pretty young. when you hit 30 then you start rolling into the old people territory. well see what happened is i didnt have enough credits to pass. i had all my advanced classes and everything but i never had the basics (when you have a counselor giving you art when you need math credits to pass, things start getting spooky) then i moved to the new school for senior year,then i had to take algebra 2, american history, physical science all those classes and thats what happened. only classes like english 4 had seniors in them. trust me im shy, irl im super shy. online is different for some reason ikr? two brothers and a sister XD things are crowded enough.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 5:52pm
it really is, having an inside man/woman to help you out with things is pretty lucky. no no no thats not lame at all, i would do the same tbh. with how crazy the world is nowadays ^^; its kinda the safer choice. it would still be fun to go to a party though, maybe not drink at a party, but at least going would be fun. oh i graduated in 2015 so not that long ago. i dont remember how many kids were in my class >.> infact i didnt even know the kids in my class TwT they put me in classes with freshman and juniors instead of seniors. plus being shy and everything made it hard to make friends especially since it was a new school for me. oh well you kinda get used to things being packed, sitting 3 to a seat on the school bus, tons of people everywhere, living in a house with 3 other siblings. im used to it by now
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 5:19pm
ohhhh so you got like the hook up? i see well i've never been to a party, but it sounds like a ton of fun. especially ones that college kids throw. there was on up the street from my grandma's house when i went to visit. they were doing all kinds of stuff from racing down the street, to giving piggy back rides and doing some kind of jousting thing. it was pretty cool. senpai in the sheets, FL lol tbh with how crazy florida is i wouldnt be surprised if there really was a place named after that. literally the shopping malls are always packed. especially the millenia mall and the schools are even worse DX my high school had 3000 kids and 900 of them were freshman alone
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 4:33pm
omg im sorry about the late reply, i didnt see your message >.> yeah your right about that XD i didnt even know there was a place called brandon. well maybe i should sign up for school in tampa XD i was going to a community college here called valencia (with hopes to transfer into ucf) but omg its so boring at that college. hahaha yeah ikr? imagine telling that to someone who asks where you live. oh um well orlando is pretty normal i guess. pretty busy at times and filled with tons of tourists. you can catch alot of foreigners roaming the streets doing shopping literally all year long. there are alot of stuff to do here though. i live literally inbetween 2 different malls. and im not that far away from the amusement parks either
Jan 28, 17 at 4:33pm
I see tequila in my very near future.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 1:22pm
oh umm pretty good actually, just here watching videos on youtube XD sorta bored atm. i see you live in tampa. what is it like there? i think i've passed through tampa before but i've never actually spent time there. (live in orlando btw)
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 12:54pm
no problem ^-^ so hows it going?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 12:32pm
thanks for the request
maius @maius20 No problem! Thanks for accepting ^^