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Last online over 6 years ago
Jan 16, 17 at 7:39pm
Hi thanks for the request :p
maius @maius20 Thanks for accepting my request ;P
Dec 05, 16 at 7:44pm
So... I accidentally deleted almost everything for a project that is due tomorrow... All the files are gone and I am going to die before my semester is even over T.T
maius @maius20 I go between computers at home and at work (on campus desk job), so I use a flash drive to keep everything. I was moving files around as I was working on my project today and then everything was gone. I don't know how it all got deleted but I searched everywhere and they are just gone T.T
edggy @edggy This is why I use Google Drive or Dropbox... Pro Tip: Always have 3 copies of important data, on your HD, on an external HD/flash drive, and in the cloud Sorry to hear about the project. A similar thing happend to me many years ago, and I learned my lesson I wish you luck
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 04, 16 at 12:52am
Well you seem like a chill/nice person so you're cool in my book. Haha.
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 03, 16 at 9:18pm
Well, honestly I'd have to say those 2 are a bit better than here just because they are more populated. Of course this site isn't that well known so it's understandable. But still, this site is still cool, since I get to talk to cool peeps such as yourself. I don't talk to that many users on the other sites, honestly.
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 02, 16 at 5:36pm
I feel ya. Yea, I use Anilist.co. Mostly just to keep up with what I've seen or am watching/plan to watch. Plus the forum games are pretty fun over there. lol. I also use MAL from time to time although I don't have an actual account there.
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 02, 16 at 5:07pm
That's cool. Only been about 5 or 6 days for me, so I'm way more of a newbie, then. lol You on any other anime/manga communities sites?
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for maius
Dec 02, 16 at 3:41pm
What's this semester about in particular? You just have to remember that every time you are stressed for something to come, but when you look back at it you'll always remember the way you passed or didn't. You never actually died and the world never stopped. We survive these kinds of things many times a year, so you'll get through it no matter if it ends good or bad. I've got a paper due next week and a homework assignment. The project of this course starts Monday, so I'll just see how that turns out and in a few weeks I have holidays as well. I'll probably end up visiting some friends I haven't seen in a while and gaming and drinking ^^
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 02, 16 at 2:15pm
It's a pretty cool site. Nice being somewhere with so many like minded people. Well at least as far as anime goes, haha. How about you?
tekkadan1990 @tekkadan1990 left a comment for maius
Dec 01, 16 at 7:30pm
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for maius
Dec 01, 16 at 4:58pm
Still, that doesn't give anyone the right to kill me right now =P