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Koyomi Araragi

Last online about 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ
Panda @mrpanduhhh left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Jun 28, 16 at 11:02am
Hahahaha My bad man I'm sleepy as hell and I've been reading stuff wrong hahaha. I want to visit most of those places as well! Saving up is a problem though I like spending money T_T
Panda @mrpanduhhh left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Jun 28, 16 at 6:10am
Dude that's a lot of places I'm jealous !! What do you do? I can't travel that much T_T
Panda @mrpanduhhh left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Jun 28, 16 at 5:24am
Good luck with that man I wish you the best! Yeah I kind of want to visit the Philippines again too. Haven't been there in 10 years. You live in the US? A US dollar is worth a lot more over there. Oh what other places do you want to visit?
Panda @mrpanduhhh left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Jun 28, 16 at 5:03am
That's a really interesting background. Do you identify yourself as part Filipino still. Did you grow up in the Philippines? Sorry about your Dad man. I know what that feels like but I experienced it a little later in life. I have no idea xD. I think a lot of Filipinos just like anime in general. A lot of my friends are Filipino and they happen to like anime. Which I liked because I had people to geek out with IRL hahaha. Why they're so many hot ones on here I don't know :P. If you really love that type of weather, culture, people then yeah moving there is not so bad. If I ever moved to the Philippines I would never stay in the city even though I'm a city boy just because of the pollution there T_T.
Jun 28, 16 at 3:54am
Haha, I noticed that, too. :)
Jun 26, 16 at 9:17am
Sounds like alot of girls here XD all of them are on a high sex drive. I mean ofc im into that stuff just its not my life lol more to life than just sex
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup xD We're all sex deprived nerds...so of course our sex drives are through the roof!!! Plus well anime is all romantic and stuff. :P
Jun 26, 16 at 9:09am
When i was younger i was pretty open myself but now im not really that into sexual stuff
Jun 26, 16 at 8:47am
Stuff like that happens, the girls around here are kinda slutty ^^; i mean im not the type to talk about girls in a bad way but i cant date anyone from florida im sorry they are just obsessed with sex and junk i mean not all of them but alot of them are
Jun 26, 16 at 4:52am
lmao wtf that's stupid
Jun 26, 16 at 12:45am
Idk but this one girl gave 3 guys blowjobs in class. I wanna move the hell away from florida after i finish school. I was gonna go to colorado but nah heard things about it from a friend. Might just try houston i mean i can handle the heat