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NoNameRequired @nonamerequired
Um Hey, just here giving a generic hello... so, hello.

2ndsight @a2ndsight
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2ndsight @a2ndsight

soto =) @sanzivar
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soto =) @sanzivar
Hola hola :)
to draw anime!

locket @locket
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to draw anime!
locket @locket
I love drawing anime, but I try to draw other art styles as well. I don't like being stuck to the anime style (I used to have that problem before v_v)...
"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”

locket @locket
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"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”
locket @locket
It's just like the article said, I think most girls like a nice guy, just not a nice guy who expects too much. Girls may not like nice guys not because they are "nice" but maybe because of other elements in their personality. For example, Guy A is a nice guy, but he's too shy and doesn't really confess how he feels to the girl. Or, Guy B is a nice guy, but he tends to be too prideful. Stuff like that. More girls may have a relationship with jerks, but more often than not, break up with the guy soon after.