lilybug @lilybug
lilybug @lilybug
"the river flows in u ..........."

lilybug @lilybug
lilybug @lilybug
"im inluv with my best friend, gonnna luv her till the whole world ends...." is one of my fave song lyrics :3

Falor @falor
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Falor @falor
Thanks for the friend request ;)

Lisanthur @sanfi
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Lisanthur @sanfi
I'm sad to announce that I understand. I too have been there ~_~
Still, sometimes it all works out and even when the world is a horrible place, I look at it with absolute fascination and wonder ^^

lilybug @lilybug
lilybug @lilybug
i got to stay positive.... :3

Lisanthur @sanfi
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Lisanthur @sanfi
Haha, you sound like an enthousiastic gal ^^

HyperCade20 @hypercade20
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HyperCade20 @hypercade20
Hello thanks for the invite. How are you?

lilybug @lilybug
lilybug @lilybug
:3 mlp:friendship is magicc :3 :3

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
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Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is my favorite. :3 what pokemon is your favorite? Mine is umbreon.

Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
Welcome to the site hope you like it here