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The "looking for a relationship" thread
laurenzthezero @laurenzthezero
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
laurenzthezero @laurenzthezero
HI! My name is Laurenz. I am 14 year old african american going on 15. I am a gaming otaku. I Like fantasy anime such as SAO or Soul Eater but I still like the classical style of anime such as Robotech and DBZ. I Like to play RPG game like Undertale and Persona. I am looking to find a girl around my age who live near colonie, New York. So if anyone is looking for a fun-loyal otaku, I'm available.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
laurenzthezero @laurenzthezero
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Xenoblade Chronicles X
laurenzthezero @laurenzthezero
I finished the main story with 120 clocked in