Krarktel @krarktel
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Krarktel @krarktel
You're welcome ^^, and I'm doing good, how about you?

Frankie @frankie
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Frankie @frankie
Hmm i dont really have a favorite but if i had to pick i would say The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Digimon, Shuffle!, DBZ GT, School Rumble,
Pokemon but only the first 5 or six seasons Those would be my favorites :).

Frankie @frankie
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Frankie @frankie
Thanks Happy New Year.I spent it with family and friends and fireworks XD. You?

Frankie @frankie
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Frankie @frankie
Yeah its ok. how about you?

Frankie @frankie
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Frankie @frankie
HI thanks how are you?

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
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FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
Liking anime doesn't mean you childish. XD

Djmr @djmr
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Djmr @djmr
Hey, just answered the bunch of questions, and you were 82% to me! Lol Im a IT geek too, hoping to become a games programmer after uni. I like Naruto and digimon too! :)

petre @petre
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petre @petre
Scuze pt comentariul dublu, dar sistemul de aici de postare e ca de cacao :D

petre @petre
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petre @petre
Salut! Multumesc pt mesajul de intampinare ;)
Cam putini "mioritici" pe aici vad... Pacat

petre @petre
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petre @petre
Salut! Multumesc pt mesajul de intampinare ;)
Cam putini "mioritici" pe aici vad... Pacat