click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
The candy is in a safe place. I have placed boxes of pocky, cases of Rammune, and packets of flavored sugar within a castle guarded by two dragons, a troll, and two out of three power puff girls. Although it would normally be difficult to bypass these powerful creatures, the troll accepts tokens as well as gestures of good faith. And well, he's uh *ahem* asking you to accept this friend request to pass through ;)

furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
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furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
I have been better but im still alive and having fun.So what made you want to talk to me if you don't mind me asking?

furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
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furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
I have been better but im still alive and having fun.So what made you want to talk to me if you don't mind me asking?

furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
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furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
Haha true. So how are you? I'm not good with these online thingies.

furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
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furyfromthesky @furyfromthesky
Hey, um...haha didn't expect anyone to actually talk to me on here.
Jan 28-30
Jun 2-5
Nov 3-6
Jan 27-29