❤FoxyLoli❤ @yandere23
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❤FoxyLoli❤ @yandere23
what you mean?
Riolis @riolis
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Riolis @riolis
Well it depends on your interest really. You don't need to learn everything.
If you like web, you can go html5, javascript, and all its incarnate like angular-js, bootstrap and such.
If you like server-side, php, java, c++, ruby works well, can use node.js/express and such as well, and database stuff like sql, mongo etc.
if you like software, c++, c#, obj-c on macxos, and all window controller and stuff.
if you like mobile, can use obj-c or java, some case c#
You can just choose one and go crazy with it :D You should try tho, self learning is super satisfying :3
I'm a half half man, I like stuff like VR-related and Kinect, and like making rendering engine with directx and c++, but now I just do c# at home, obj-c at work. And I can go on forever. So before I scare you away I will stop lol
So change of subject? What are you doing now for your free time?
Riolis @riolis
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Riolis @riolis
Do you know what they will be teaching you in the syllabus?
Hopefully its not something useless for the real world.
Which part your like more, the hardware of software?
Riolis @riolis
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Riolis @riolis
I can code and I'm a monkey, so I guess yes to your question.
Why you ask? You like coding as well?
Riolis @riolis
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Riolis @riolis
Heya! Whats up
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
KYGAS @kygas
KYGAS @kygas
KYGAS @kygas
KYGAS @kygas
Notice me senpai ^-^
xynox @xynox I'm a Senpai. And I noticed you... Probably not the Senpai but you're welcome
KYGAS @kygas
KYGAS @kygas
I cant even invite her to my birthday. :/ This feeling is hard... and Painfull...
But who cares ^-^ Good Morning everyone :)
Kenji @kenjiharima
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Kenji @kenjiharima
*hugs* (/0.0)/