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MooWgle @moowgle
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MooWgle @moowgle
Came to you page because I noticed you were one of only two other peeps on this site to have "The Daughter of Twenty Faces" on your anime list.
…then I see you collection of QUALITY anime viewage.
Nice nice.
…be my friend? :D

???? @hidan345
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???? @hidan345

sweetsugergamer2222 @sweetsugergamer2222
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sweetsugergamer2222 @sweetsugergamer2222
Baby Your just So sexy with dat jacket :) hope talkies soon xx
Twelve Kingdoms

KURO @kurokoe
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Twelve Kingdoms
KURO @kurokoe
Oh man, I haven't watched that in ages! Thank you for reminding me of a highly interesting show.
should America be allowed to turn anime into movies

KURO @kurokoe
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should America be allowed to turn anime into movies
KURO @kurokoe
I wouldn't mind it so much. As long as everything was set up correctly. The stories themselves are usually fantastic and I would actually enjoy seeing a westernized version. DragonBall and Airbender were a flop but that's because the director's had no idea what they were even doing. A hot mess from beginning to end.