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landorando @landorando left a comment for KuroK
Sep 19, 19 at 8:50pm
Thank you!
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for KuroK
Sep 13, 19 at 11:00am
KuroK @kurok UwU.........uwu
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for KuroK
Sep 13, 19 at 10:58am
This account has been suspended.
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for KuroK
Sep 13, 19 at 10:44am
This account has been suspended.
Sep 08, 19 at 4:02pm
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for KuroK
Sep 08, 19 at 1:29am
hey~ I have seen your post in the thread I made. Don't feel ugly - no matter what happened. That's not worth to let destroy your inner self http://i.imgur.com/iSf8uOx.gif
KuroK @kurok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjZfkAvVGYo I dont know how to reply to that...... so ill just give u a video to make u smile...... cause that comment made me smile :')
KuroK @kurok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjZfkAvVGYo
elhaym @elhaym how sweet! what a funny video ^-^
Sep 07, 19 at 6:24pm
Gold Armor @goldarmorotaku left a comment for KuroK
Sep 06, 19 at 6:26pm
Thank you for accepting my request!^^It's ok I like a good spam once in awhile https://static.zerochan.net/Aquarius.Camus.full.1868547.jpg
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for KuroK
Sep 05, 19 at 8:21pm
heres a theory that goes into my last most of the credit goes to tumblr theory post but i added some stuff so this is the smile she gives spinel https://66.media.tumblr.com/f558bc8bb585d1fc388b7b13708667fa/b59ba5be319b8cc2-9d/s640x960/259170f37184a25ea49b328a7795ed7de2ba16aa.png i think that this isnt a "your annoying" smile, but instead that she reminds her so much of her old pearl, her pink pearl see here https://66.media.tumblr.com/1058efe2594008d2e25a47dc2c7d761e/be0eeb7e134c389b-e9/s400x600/e6efe2b6089ae4a20703ea759f78941c8a5160f1.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/6b71c99080edd331e16bbdf454d656b5/be0eeb7e134c389b-5e/s400x600/cdef696614219912eb0adea909877b634828fb11.png the common theory on why pink pearl was taken from her was to punish pink, but i disagree. i think it was because pink pearl wasnt acting like a pearl should. that she was silly and not professional. and that is why white turned her white. to make a defective pearl into a perfect pearl. and this would also explain why our pearl looks so much like white. its already shown that the diamonds personally are used to create gems, we can assume the different combination is how we get different gems. so id say that pink pearl was "imperfect" because she has so much of pink inside her, and thats why she was "unprofessional" which would explain why our pearl is so different looking, because she has no pink diamond in her, only the other diamonds, mainly white. rebecca told us that white has a big role in making pearls, so i believe that she put so much of herself into pinks new pearl to make her as "perfect as possible" that our pearl is the "perfect" pearl its also a common theory that pink was given our pearl as a congratulations gift on her first colony, but this has been debunked. We know that she had our pearl when she had spinel as well. so the new timeline theory is that she was given our pearl and spinel at the same time. because pink pearl was so goofy and pink loved that about her, they instead gave her two new gems. one, a perfect pearl, and the other, a gem created for play. homeworld is very stricted on a gem serving its purpose, so i think that while pink pearl was ment to act like a proper pearl, instead she acted like a friend to pink, which wouldnt do. that is not her job. so white "fixed her" and instead gave pink a play thing and a pearl. two gems that would do their job. this could be why she had some disdain for spinel. because she reminded her so much of her pink pearl. but she wasnt. she never could be. she was just a shadow of her first pearl. a one dimensional gem, just like all the other gems shes met. https://66.media.tumblr.com/19e2914adaef666f6b7967f1fd84c80c/tumblr_px8q2yKEUt1td1r9eo1_400.gif could that tear not be from laughing so hard, but from the reminder of her first friend?
KuroK @kurok Why do things not pop up in my notifications. orz. This is a really good theory tho. I could see why it would have gone down like that. The gems needed to serve a purpose to her. And if they didn’t they weren’t there for a reason. I guess if she didn’t have emotions then she wouldn’t think of it like most of us but more detached. Only for purposes and if they didn’t have them they didn’t belong. I could deff see that year as a year of joy more so then laughter tho. Thinking she has finally found a friend again. Especially if she reminded her of her. Good theory 10/10
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for KuroK
Sep 05, 19 at 7:50pm
sadly i'm an uwu
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio i though you where a n.n
Baka @reinhardt76 lol sadly no
Lamby @momoichi ♡w♡ for sure
KuroK @kurok Im kinda a mix?? more like a UTwTN ♡... always an UwU at heart tho...