redrum @korevol
redrum @korevol

the gods have spoken!

redrum @korevol
redrum @korevol

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 Something wrong?

Baka @reinhardt76 I wish I could do this

redrum @korevol @weenis im alright just feel like being away from everything xD

redrum @korevol @reinhardt lol wish it was that comfty with sand

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 @redrum Sounds like personal drama. Go take a walk outside.

sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
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sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
I suck too but I thought only fun mattered? O.o

redrum @korevol Same i mean as long we play on private. Im down

redrum @korevol Same i mean as long we play on private. Im down

sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
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sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
haha, that's the first time anyone has complimented my steam library. Could I expect some gaming sessions? :3

redrum @korevol Noooo I suck :(

redrum @korevol Noooo I suck :(

sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
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sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
haihai ^.^

Neko @otaku23124
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Neko @otaku23124
Thank you for accepting my request!

redrum @korevol
redrum @korevol

i cried

panda @death543
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panda @death543
I'm sorry. ..let me introduce myself. ..I'm the one who's been waiting for you to come out from the closet so we can meet

redrum @korevol You better be nice!

redrum @korevol
redrum @korevol
It hurts to leave Kinokuniya without buying anything. </3
heck i spent an hour just walking around lol

panda @death543
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panda @death543
Hey....look if you're in my closet...feel free to come out....I don't bite...

redrum @korevol You never feed tho

redrum @korevol You never feed tho