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keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
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keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
I would have to say that trigun,nana and code geass are my favorites I have a lot more but those are on the top of my list XD

keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
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keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
so whats your favorite anime?

keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
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keybladetomyheart @keybladetomyheart
hello XD

Konsole @konsole
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Konsole @konsole
Ha, well welcome. There's some really nice people on here so don't be afraid to get to know people ;o
New And Looking For SOULMATE

Konsole @konsole
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New And Looking For SOULMATE
Konsole @konsole
^ Agree with the above :p however, Welcome!