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32 year old Female
Grand Rapids, MI
Red @redhawk left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 9:04pm
Sorry if that's alot haha
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 8:45pm
My day was good... Just got back from work.. (Im martial arts instructor) And your right, i do need to take a picture of my cat.. I think im going to take a picture of her chasing this remote controlled mouse that i have..(Its been 2 years and she still thinks its real) lol.. She gets worked up everytime... Currently im chilling in my bed getting ready to order chinese food.. btw, can you cook ? So how was your day ?
Alex Victor @maverickzhunter left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 8:04pm
Hmmm I watch everything from action and comedy to dark tragic stuff like elfen lied and sweet stuff like clannad. The addiction is real... My top 5 at the moment have to be Akame ga Kill, gintama, code geass, death note, and full metal alchemist.
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 7:45pm
To answer your question from yesterday, my cats name is moomoo (Sounds corny i know, but i love it) And yeah Dir En Grey is amazing... Till this day the music video "Obscure" continues to blow my mind..
Red @redhawk left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 4:07pm
This is the outline for the Hero Saga The "The Hero Saga” was influenced by the Fire Emblem Series and some other games as well. It's split into 4 different stories involving 4 different protagonists across 4 different fictional continents on a fantasy world. However each protagonist is following their own story, they don’t know of other protagonist or the other continents and event that are occurring and all 4 will meet near the end of the last protagonist's story. The names of the protagonists are: Takuya, Kain, Lionel, and Charles. (and their stories go in that order) For the Lore: *The lore goes that In the Beginning The Dark God Gerhial waged war against Humanity. While humanity resisted, they were on the brink of extinction, a miracle occurred, a young man by the name of Aldo fought back against Gerhial. Aldo, with the aid of the Goddess Minerva, would lead humanity and the other race against the forces of Gerhial. Humanity would win in the end, and the main story would begin 1000 years later. * Before Takuya's, Kain, Lionel and Charles' story began, there will be a short Prologue following the fathers of the main characters explaining more of the story, but has a tighter focus on Takuya's Father Tatsuma. * SO the thing is that this is a Generation type of story focusing first on the 1st Generation of characters which will be the fathers, then will move onto the 2nd generation which will be the main characters Takuya, Kain, Lionel and Charles. I was thinking about a 3rd Generation which would follow the story of the children of the 2nd Generation characters as an epilogue, the base it there but was not sure about doing it, but I probably will. * You have Humans, Draconians [people who turn into dragons, different species of dragons], Dragon warriors [half human, half draconian], Aquarians [the people of the seas aka Atlanteans], Celestials [pretty much the elves, but somewhat holy], and the Demonic [demons pretty much, any species includes Vampiris (what we know as Vampires), Were Beast, Feral Draconian, Fell Elves, and Undead]. Then there’s monsters as well. * Also a few things that add to Lore: There are four different Continents: -Vierge [Takuya] -Uthea [Kain] -Granea [Lionel] -Dominia [Charles] * There are two other continents as well but they are the realm of Minerva and Gerhial, -Erebus [Hell] -Valhalla [Heaven] * During the Great War, Gerhial's forces consisted of: -Gerhial (the Dread Lord himself) -The 4 Hell Lords [High ranking Demonic Lords that serve Gerhial] -The Fell Knights of the Dark Circle [the Royal guards of Gerhial, a dark parody of the Knights of the Round Table] -High Bishop of the Church of Gerhial [a powerful Sorcerer who leads the Gerhial Church and is given a Position of power by Gerhial] -The Gerhial Cult, [people who have damned themselves to worshiping Gerhial and will gladly fight in his name] -The Demonic [demons that follow Gerhial or the Hell Lords every will] -and Monsters [dark creatures of the night] * A bit of info about the Main Characters: -Aldo is a Human [Charles' Ancestor] -Sassun is a Dragon Warrior [Takuya's Ancestor] -Laos is a Celestial [Lionel's Ancestor] -Seon is a Human [Kain's Ancestor] -Charles is Pure Human {also the Godsend} -Takuya is Half Dragon Warrior, Half Celestial -Lionel is a Pure Celestial -Kain is Half Human, Half Vampiris * Extra -Draconians are a species apart from Dragons, and yes there are also Dragons -There is also Magic -Various Blessed Regalia's [Holy Weapons] Note: That’s about all I can scrap together for now, since everything is all over the place and in my head haha
Red @redhawk left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 3:58pm
well I don't have an entire synophis for them all, but the one ones that are somewhat fleshed out are The Hero Saga, Tears of Terra, and Age of Heroes. The Hero saga is the one that I have been working on for the longest time, and have have rewrote it various times.
Oct 01, 14 at 3:14pm
Well there are 2 that have survived over other ideas I scrapped back in high school. 1 is a fantasy story about a boy a wizard and an elf, the other is a sort of nature vs technology about wolves banding together to take down an evil corporation threatening the moon. The 1st one I came up with when I was about 11 when I was over a friend's house, we both started ours at the same time and began brainstorming throwing ideas off each other. His ended up being about humans obtaining the powers of gods and mine became an adventure series thst later expanded into something bigger. There were even instances where ive managed to tie the two stories together along with the wolf story in crossovers or events where something would pick up centuries later. Anyway the fsntasy one was short and kind ofgeneric, about 30 pages with no suprise plot and overused catch phrases but Iit wasnt until the 4th indtallment that I got really serious now that I had a backstory about the main character and his brother. It took 9 years to plan out #4. But its the longest one and theres 2 more to go not counting the next gen or future arc. Next gen will be 3 volumes and the future arc will be ongiong. Ive even written a multiverse to it where the laws of society changed and the races are rearranged because of a certain ruler taking over forcing all the humans to a small island where they become pirates and theives. This of course also switches the roles of the main 3 characters. As for the wolf story it ties into it several times. There is an elf who lives in a forrest with wolves and has the ability to turn into one herself. The shard she wesrs around her neck gets swapped around character to character over generstions resulting in their desth every time. The shard is part of the wolf story, heck its centered around it. Shards are given to them st birth and they carry it until they meet their significant other and exchange them as sort of trusting their lives in each other. They are magic and rely on the moon's light as their source of power. This is whst gives her the ability to transform and later wolves figure out how to use it themselves. In the future a power hungry man seeks thr power the moon holds and decides to harvest them, killing their owners.This Iis where the wolves come in. To explain everything would take too long here so if you want to know more ill tell you in pm.
hey_623_san @hey_623_san left a comment for Konaa
Oct 01, 14 at 11:49am
Chicago is cool? Isn't it mighty dangerous? Haha, well that's what I assume from hearing all the nasty stuff happening there, like gangs and thuggery, but you get these things everything, even in the UK. The Truman Brewery is just a large open space with a few thick pillars supporting the place, pretty much the perfect place to host an expedition. It's also located in a part of London that we call the 'East End', which at the moment is where all the creative and indie stuff is at; there's loads of startup companies opening up offices around here. Just saw your wire sculpture, is it suppose to be a spider lol? Studying computer science with games technology. Bloody long title but it's mainly about learning how to program/code and create games. Yeah, I might have a 3 month break after my final year and if my timing is just right, I might be able to attend a US con.
Oct 01, 14 at 8:41am
I draw manga as well but nowhere near professional level. I do have long running stories.
Red @redhawk left a comment for Konaa
Sep 30, 14 at 11:39pm
Well I can give you the titles for my mangas I'm working on: Tears of Terra (ToT) The Hero Saga (THS) Heir of Flames (HoF) Age of Heroes (AoF) The Frontier (TF) Will of the Fist (WotF) Just a couple of them haha =)
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