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maesfan1 @maesfan1
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maesfan1 @maesfan1
Good eve. Slayers is what got me hooked too. As for con's I normally visit Steel City Toy in Monroeville when it comes through. Haven't cosplayed yet though am thinking of doing either Maes Hughes or Captain Aizen in December. Anyways beautiful outfit on a beautiful lady. Hope your having a great day and would love to hear from you.

millygoat @millygoat
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millygoat @millygoat
Slayers was one of my early anime as well, good one to get hooked with. Which ren-fair do you head too anyhow, the one up in michigan? I'm from Toledo, so that's generally the one we hit every year.
Anyhow, love the pic and drop a line if you feel like chatting :-)

Nipplord @nipplord
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Nipplord @nipplord
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