konachan @konachan
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Kite Atomsku
konachan @konachan
Tenchi and Read or die were good shows. I think you're the first guy to admit that he likes cardcaptors. I think instead of taking away maily points you gain them xD It's cool that you make music. Do you play video games or anything?
KururuxYuki @kururuxyuki
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Kite Atomsku
KururuxYuki @kururuxyuki
uuwahh :D you like Tenchi Muyo! I love Washu and Mihoshi > u >
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
hahaha yeah well.....its uuuh .....its not the kind of thing I can say just anywhere XD
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
oh thats nice :)
uuuuh you dont wanna knwo my inspiration hahah :P
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
oh thats nice :)
uuuuh you dont wanna knwo my inpirstion hahah :P
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
Oh thats cool! So are you into art?
yeah I know what you mean but I have my moment you know, i have a limit so sometimes it just puts me down but i know I'll just get back up and move on but it gets hard sometimes its speacially difficult now
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
Hey can I add you on facebook?
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
well the time is pretty much the same since we live 1 hour and 30 min. apart but well righ tnow is almost 1 am cause I'm staying up late. I'm just here. Problems are starting to weight down on me, its a bit of a downer.
So are going to college or something?
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
Yeah for sure i'll give it a listen ^^
I bet your good.:)
so uhhh....wassup?
no @vangylen
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Kite Atomsku
no @vangylen
Oh the truth behind tose pictures is that I used to tag but I sot of stopped cause the paint is expenssive and I ran out fast and I neededto focus on school and stop slacking off. -_-'
Thanks, my photography is not that great, i wish i was a bit better. I have so many stuff I havent uploaded to that site. I really need to catch up. so do you do any form of art?